Law is a rapidly changing field and strategies that work one quarter may not be the same the next. The legal profession is no exception and many firms are working hard to explore new ways to help clients. One type of practice that has gained traction is known as “law new.” While the term can be hard to define, most lawyers understand that it refers to ways to provide legal services outside traditional firm structures and practices. This can include working with underserved communities, developing technology and creating innovative fee arrangements. It is a growing area of the industry and one that every lawyer should be aware of and work to develop strategies around.
This list contains public laws enacted during each session of Congress, as well as slip law texts that have been assigned by NARA as public law (PL) numbers and deposited in the Statutes at Large, which forms the permanent collection of all federal laws. Enacted laws can also be found in the New York Consolidated Laws, and New York City Laws.
If you’re interested in learning more about the legislative process, start with this video:
It explains how bills become laws and demonstrates the different processes involved in the House of Representatives and the Senate. You’ll see how a bill can be introduced in either chamber, then assigned to committees where members research, discuss and change the text before it is brought to the floor for a vote. If a bill passes both houses of Congress, it is sent to the President for his approval. This video is part of the “How Law Works” series from LexisNexis and Bloomberg Law.