Law New: Legislation That Affects You

law new

Law new is a compilation of news and information about recent legislative activity that has an impact on legal issues. It includes state laws passed by legislatures and periodically codified in the New York Consolidated Laws, as well as court decisions that interpret those laws.

The people have a right to know how their government functions and to review the documents and statistics that lead to governmental determinations. They should not be thwarted by shrouding this information in secrecy or confidentiality. It is the responsibility of state agencies to ensure that they make available, in a reasonable manner, public records for inspection and copying.

A new law aimed at curbing the fentanyl epidemic allows local pharmacies and health care providers to give out life-saving drug adulterant testing supplies. The legislation is called “Matthew’s Law” in honor of Matthew Horan, a Brooklyn teenager who died from an accidental fentanyl overdose in 2020.

Another new law allows NYCHA residents to be notified within 24 hours if their water has tested positive for toxins or contaminants. It also requires that companies contracted to test water quality samples in the apartments have a license and that they comply with all federal, state and local laws.

New legislation expands the rights of crime victims to receive compensation from the city and makes it easier for them to get that money. It also provides a way for survivors to use their victim impact statements in criminal cases. And it gives judges the power to compel witnesses to testify in court.

Several new bills aim to prevent wrongful convictions and improve the transparency of the police department’s investigative processes. One bill would allow law enforcement officers to take a DNA sample from suspected criminals and compare it against existing databases. Another bill, which is being introduced by Council Speaker Corey Johnson, would require the police department to disclose more details about its investigative methods.

Judicial clerkships are coveted positions that provide important training for future attorneys and help them develop their skills. But many legal observers are worried that the number of female and minority clerks is not growing fast enough to keep up with demand.

The federal government has a complicated process for creating a new law. A senator or representative who wants to create a new law must first introduce it in either the House of Representatives or Senate. The bill then goes through a process of research, discussion and change before it is debated and voted on. If the bill passes in one chamber, it must be sent to the other body to go through a similar process. Once the bill is passed in both chambers, it becomes a law.