Like most professions, the legal industry is subject to rapid changes. What works in one part of the industry may not be able to help a client with another, and lawyers must always be prepared to take on new challenges. This is especially true in the field of law, where clients are constantly relying on legal professionals to deliver solutions that make them feel secure and protected.
For some lawyers, this means working with an underserved community, delivering services in innovative ways and using technology to help their clients get what they need. Others might choose to focus on process rather than focusing on clients, while others may create an entirely different way of practicing law.
Regardless of which path is chosen, the first step in creating a law is to identify the problem that the new law is intended to solve. This can be done by a government agency, interest group, or individual. Once the idea is figured out, it must be put into bill form. The bill must be drafted by attorneys who have special expertise in the area of law under consideration.
Once a bill is written, it must be referred to the Legislative Bill Drafting Commission for review. Once the bill has been reviewed and corrected, it is passed to a standing committee of either the Senate or Assembly for approval. Then, if it is approved by the House, it goes to the Governor for his or her signature.
The Governor has 10 days (not counting Sundays) to sign or veto a bill that has been passed by both houses of the Legislature. If he or she does not sign the bill within that time, it automatically becomes law.
However, if two-thirds of the members of both houses of the Legislature vote to override the Governor’s veto, the bill is enacted into law without the Governor’s signature.
This is a process that often involves a lot of debate, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. When a bill is enacted, it can change the lives of thousands of people and give them access to services they didn’t have before.
When a law is passed, it takes effect immediately or in 90 or 180 days, depending on the specific provisions of the bill. In some cases, the new law will be in effect for a number of years.
Once a bill has been introduced, it is then examined and corrected by the Introduction and Revision Office, given a number, sent to a standing committee for review, entered into the Senate computer, and deemed to have had its first and second readings before being voted on and adopted in bill form. If a bill is vetoed by the Governor, it is returned to the house that first passed it with a statement of why it was vetoed.
The new law may be a bill, a resolution or an executive order, and it can affect many aspects of our lives. For example, a resolution could change the rules for how elections are held in New York State or a bill could impose new fees for certain activities.