Gambling and Its Dangerous Consequences


Gambling is an activity in which someone stakes something of value (a bet, a ticket, a game piece) on a random event that has the potential to yield a prize. Gambling is considered a type of skill because strategies can be employed to increase chances of winning, but such strategies are discounted in the definition of gambling. People gamble at casinos, racetracks, lotteries, sporting events and even on the Internet. Gambling can lead to negative consequences for the gambler and his or her family, friends and coworkers. It can cause problems with physical and mental health, harm relationships, jeopardize jobs or educational opportunities, leave a person in serious debt and, in some cases, lead to suicide.

Problem gambling is a complex disorder that requires professional help to overcome. Treatment options include individual and group counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and family therapy. Psychiatric medications may also be helpful for some individuals. Some research indicates that a combination of medication and behavior therapy is the most effective approach to treating pathological gambling. However, the results of various studies are inconsistent, possibly due to differences in underlying conceptualizations of the etiology of the disorder and varying approaches to treatment.

Behavioral treatments for pathological gambling have been developed over three generations, but the effectiveness of these treatments is not consistent. The effectiveness of these treatments appears to depend on a number of factors, including the person’s level of comorbidity with a substance use disorder and the strength of the therapist’s therapeutic alliance with the client. Moreover, the efficacy of treatments for pathological gambling depends on the degree to which they are based on integrated approaches and incorporated into the patient’s daily routine.

A major limitation of research on gambling is the lack of longitudinal data on a large sample of subjects. Such data would allow researchers to identify and measure the various factors that moderate and exacerbate gambling participation. Longitudinal data are also critical to establishing causal relationships between specific events and behaviors.

Gambling is a fun way to pass time, but it can be dangerous. Make sure to only gamble with money that you can afford to lose, and be aware of your bankroll. Set limits for how much and for how long you will gamble, and stick to them. Often, when people start losing, they will try to win back what they lost by increasing their wagers, which is called “chasing.” This is usually a recipe for disaster. If you’re concerned about your gambling, seek a therapist and consider seeking family, marriage, credit or career counseling. These therapies can help you work through the specific issues that have been created by your problem gambling and lay the foundation for making positive changes in your life. You may even want to consider joining a support group, like a Gamblers Anonymous. The support from others who have similar problems can be invaluable. They can provide you with the motivation and support you need to change your gambling habits for good.