Law New for Local Governments

The Law New column features a brief overview of a recent development in law that may affect local governments. Laws new may include changes to existing laws, proposed laws (known as bills) and other legislative activity. The column also provides a link to the law new page of the NYSBA’s online legal dictionary for additional information on each topic.

The people’s right to know the process of governmental decision-making, and to review the documents and statistics that lead to those decisions, is basic to our society. Access to this information should not be thwarted by shrouding it in secrecy or confidentiality. The State legislature declares that government is the public’s business and that the people, individually and collectively, and represented by a free press, have a right to full and unrestricted access to the records of their governments.

This bill would require City agencies to prepare a notice for their employees and job applicants regarding student loan forgiveness programs, and DCWP to make the notice available to employers in New York City. It would also expand the obligations of City agencies that suffer a security breach of personal information to disclose the breach to the Office of Cyber Command and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (formerly the NYC Privacy Office), and to affected individuals.

89.10 The committee on open government may promulgate guidelines regarding deletion of identifying details from records otherwise available under this article to prevent unwarranted invasions of privacy, and shall advise the governor and the legislature annually, on or before December fifteenth, concerning these matters. The committee shall also consult with the attorney general and the department of state to determine whether new provisions should be enacted to further protect the rights and privacy of the people.

The quarterly publication of the Section bringing together news and developments of interest to international law practitioners. International Law News is available on the web and in PDF format to all Section members. The online publication is designed to help practitioners keep up with developments in the practice of international law, and provides practical tips and experience for navigating the complexities of cross-border transactions. The web-friendly version of the publication is updated frequently and draws on official legal publications as well as reliable press sources.